How is UP TO DATE LAUNDRY creating jobs in our communities?
Up To Date Laundry gives back to the communities we serve. Our commitment to providing the best solutions for our local providers translates directly into hiring locally. After all, the people living in the community know how to serve it best! We treat everyone from our staff to our clients with the same respect, attention, and community-mindedness that they all deserve.
Up To Date Laundry is one of the largest healthcare laundries on the east coast, processing close to 70 million pounds of linen each year. We offer rental, customer-owned goods processing, and full exchange cart programs for hospitals in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our focus is to partner with our customers to maximize their linen utilization by implementing customized programs that will be cost-effective and enhance patient satisfaction.
Up To Date Laundry operates a fully redundant plant with a complete disaster recovery plan that includes a power generator that operates the entire plant, on-site fuel that can service delivery trucks and employees for weeks, and a fully stocked warehouse that can supply our customers’ products at a moment’s notice. We recycle 90% of all waste and have multiple GREEN initiatives throughout our facility.